The following are from the Institute for Business andHome Safety.
The following are from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. You will find recommendations for planning for many disaster events at these websites.
The mission of the international nonprofit National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards. NFPA has developed educational materials designed to reduce fire deaths, injuries, and property loss. The links below connect you with "tip sheets" with recommendations for preventing home fires.
Cooking fires are the leading cause of reported home structure fires and home fire injuries. (716 KB)
Candles may be pretty to look at but they are a cause of home fires - and home fire deaths. (624 KB)
The Firewise/NFPA logo used by permission of the National Fire Protection Association.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention provides information to help you prepare for and respond to natural disasters and severe weather.
Dawson and Pickens Counties have a Georgia Forest Commision Chief Ranger. Click below for contact information.