The communities of Wildcat each have two representatives on the Board. The President of each community or representative and one other appointed by the President. The Board members are volunteers who give freely of their time and energy to help Wildcat maintain and improve the our quality of life. They deserve our thanks for giving so much to each of us.
The Wildcat Community Board
Big Canoe Home Owners Association
Carl Deane
Eric Lindblom

Burnt Mountain Estates
Cal Latham
Bettie McCollum

Monument Falls
Adrianna Gutierrez
David Akoubian

Sassafras Mountain Estates
Jeff Kirves
Clayton Preble, President

Tomahawk  Mountain Civic Association
Dana Wrenn Sams
Tara Hardwick
Jim Smith

Tate Mountain Estates
Mary Semmes Wright
John Martin

Bill Hargett
Steve McRae

George Mathews

Don House, Secretary and Treasurer

FireWise Committee
Dennis LaGatta, Chair, Bessie Stephenson, John Edwards

Volunteer Support Firefighters
John Tarantini, Chief, Station 8
Clayton Preble, President
John Tarantini, Vice-President
Don House, Secretary-Treasurer
October 19, 2012
The Firewise/NFPA logo used by permission of the National Fire Protection Association.
  Firewise Coordinator
  Dennis LaGatta
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