Spring has arrived and so has landscaping time. Learn how to protect your home with a Firewise® landscape with Georgia’s fire resistant plants. Download
➙ BE FIREWISE!® Wild fire is our most dangerous natural hazard! The national Firewise Communities/USA® Program provides awareness and safety tips to help protect those of us who live in heavily forested areas. Click here to learn about the Firewise® Program.
The Firewise/NFPA logo used by permission of the National Fire Protection Association.
Firewise Tips
Spotlight on Our Neighbors
Don Wells
Use Firewise landscaping to reduce the danger of wildfire igniting your home by direct contact. Download the list of Firewise plants for North Georgia prepared by Master Gardener Laura Anderson of Burnt Mountain Estates. The Guide to Landscaping has some recommendations also.
Don Wells lives in Monument Falls with his wife Diane. Well, he says he lives in Monument Falls, but read on and you will wonder WHEN he lives there! The list of contributions he makes is exhausting to read. more
A Message from the Wildcat Community, Inc. President
Thank you for visiting the Wildcat Community website. Over the past 6 years we have strived to bring together the major communities that make up the southern terminus of the Appalachian Mountains for the purpose of educating property owners of the importance of Firewise® principles.
Please take time to study the wealth of information available to you in this site and, if applicable, implement these strategies; it may well make the difference. To learn how to protect yourself and property, click here.
Clayton Preble
➙ Scenes in the Wildcat Community here.
Please Note: Although we provide links to external Web sites, we are not responsible for and do not have any editorial or other control over the content or information contained on external Web sites. If you have a problem, click here to let us know.
The sites and checklists will open in a new tab in your browser.
May, 26 2013
➙ Destroyed by Wildfire. Read an account of living through and recovering from a wildfire. Linda Masterson has written an acclaimed book, Surviving Wildfire, about her experience.
➙ Red Snow?? Protect your home from the "Red Snow" of a wildfire.
➙ Plan Ahead. Here are many tips and checklists to help you prepare for emergencies so you can protect your family, pets, and property as well as recover from disasters such as cooking fires, home fires, forest fires, tornadoes, and other types of emergencies.
➙ Healing Water. Sorry to disappoint you, but this means healing your water, not your water healing you. Those who use wells for drinking water should be aware of the precautions and treatments needed to keep the water safe. Find recommendations for making your water pure and safe here.
May, 26 2013