Embers - the "Red Snow"
Most of us assume that our homes suffer the most damage from the flame of a wildfire. The flame, of course, is the most obvious component of the fire. Also, flame has been featured by news media which has "fanned the flames" of misunderstanding.
Jack Cohen, Research Physical Scientist with the USDA Forest Service, has researched wildfire for many years and discovered embers create more home fires than flames. His latest investigations have shown:
"Flaming brands and embers can travel as far as five miles ahead of the active front of a wildfire and recent research has shown that up to 60% of wildland/urban interface home ignitions are from “red snow” landing on flammable roofs or in other flammable objects, which in turn ignites the home."
Ember Storm above Trees
These photographs show ember storms from a wildfire.
Ember Storm Across Road
Ember Storm Through Trees
Take steps to protect your home from embers.
Be Ember Aware (1.1 KB) A checklist of recommendations from The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. (Opens a new browser window. Slow download.)
Watch videos of how embers attack your home here.
The Firewise/NFPA logo used by permission of the National Fire Protection Association.
April 21, 2013