The Firewise/NFPA logo used by permission of the National Fire Protection Association..
We live on a planet that thrives on fire, which has been here since the beginning and will continue until the end. Fire, an essential element of our ecology, benefits our forests.
To promote community-wide responsibility in the use of technology, policy, and practices that minimize the loss of life and property to wildland fire independent of fire fighting efforts.
The emphasis here is on “community responsibility” and “independent of fire fighting efforts.” As you may know, we do not have sufficient professional resources to protect our lives and property from wildland fires. We must actively participate in our own defense. By implementing Firewise® strategies we provide the assistance fire fighters need to reduce the destruction wildland fires cause.
The Firewise Program® explains risks and their causes, and suggests a range of cost-effective strategies property owners can implement to reduce the danger from wildfire. We as property owners have the option of assessing those risks, choosing appropriate strategies to reduce the danger from the risks, and deciding which we are willing and able to implement.